The Stonebridge Property Owners Association (SPOA) annual fee is a mandatory legal requirement for all Stonebridge property owners and has been required for all Stonebridge property parcels since SPOA was created in 1982. Your SPOA annual fee funds the operations of SPOA and helps to keep our neighborhood safe and beautiful and our property values high.

Starting January 1, 2024, the annual fee for improved lots/houses has been reinstated to the legally authorized amount of $60 per year. Similarly, the annual fee for unimproved/vacant lots has been reinstated to the legally authorized amount of $30.

If you currently owe more than 3 years of unpaid fees, you must immediately pay your unpaid fees in full, otherwise legal action will be taken including a lawsuit against you and/or filing of a property lien under the LOUISIANA HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION ACT, La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§ 9:1141.1 – 9:1148. A lawsuit will cost you attorney’s fees and court costs and a property lien will prevent the sale or refinance of your property and cost you interest and additional charges. Please pay your unpaid fees immediately!

Your annual fee funds the operations of your all-volunteer SPOA, including maintenance of our neighborhood’s aesthetic appeal, including green spaces, seasonal decorations, lighting, banners, website upkeep, and legal fees for covenant and wall maintenance enforcement. Your fees help us preserve the beauty and value of Stonebridge which increases property values for all of us.


SPOA asks all Stonebridge residents to get involved and help us make Stonebridge a great safe place to live and raise a family. Regular SPOA meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month at 6:00 PM in the Stonebridge Clubhouse. All Stonebridge property owners are welcome and are encouraged to attend and let your voice be heard.

Stonebridge Property Owners Association meeting

How to Contact SPOA

 If you have questions, comments, or suggestions regarding any matter that you need to discuss with SPOA:

  1. Please click on “Contact Us” in the menu on any page.  Or click here.
  2. You will then be presented with a short form to be filled out.
  3. After you “Submit” the form, the information that you provide and/or your question will be directed to the appropriate board or committee member.

If you are interested in helping your Stonebridge neighbors keep Stonebridge a great place to live and on issues that affect property values and quality of life in our community, please contact SPOA here.


SPOA would like to thank those residents who appreciate the value that the Stonebridge Property Owners Association brings to our neighborhood.

The many devoted people involved in SPOA activities are your neighbors and are volunteers who are making a difference. We need your help to maintain Stonebridge as a desirable place to live. We would love to see you at the next meeting. Please make sure to promptly pay your SPOA annual fee.

Stonebridge Property Owners Association

P.O. Box 1382
Harvey, LA 70059


WELCOME LIGHTS now adorn the trees at the entrances to our neighborhood. These LED lights are controlled at the guard houses and will change colors to fit the seasons and the holidays. This is the work product of our volunteer SPOA Board, and the special skill, energy, and knowledge of board member Richard Blackman. Thanks to all board members, committee members, and specific project volunteers!


Please remember that Stonebridge is a legally designated bird sanctuary, and it is unlawful to trap, hunt, shoot, or attempt to shoot or molest any bird, duck, or other wild fowl, or to rob bird, duck, or wild fowl nests.

Fishing, netting, or trapping of any kind, including turtles or any other wildlife, anywhere in Stonebridge, including drainage canals or in any of the ponds in Stonebridge is prohibited.

No wild animals or wild fowl of any kind can be kept, housed, bred, or raised anywhere in Stonebridge, including but not limited to chickens, roosters, ducks, rabbits, horses, etc

Coyotes have been reported in and around Stonebridge and on the golf course. Jefferson Parish has published information for citizens in the event coyotes are spotted. That information can be viewed here.